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external wall insulation

External Wall Insulation

External Wall Insulation Installers

Enhanced Energy Efficiency

External Wall Insulation (EWI) is an excellent way to insulate your property, providing enhanced energy efficiency and comfort. Ideal for properties without a cavity or with solid wall construction, EWI systems keep homes warmer and can be finished with either Monocouche Render or Thin Coat Silicone Render.


To achieve the best results, at White Rose Rendering & Cladding rendering experts use top-quality materials and manufacturers, such as K Rend and Parex, to produce a finish suitable for EWI systems. While normal Monocouche systems may not be suitable due to their weight, there are Lightweight Monocouche Systems specifically designed to cover External Wall Insulation.


It is more important than ever before to do all we can to reduce energy waste. From reducing bills to helping our planet, our external wall insulation will help you to make your property more energy efficient.


For more traditional finishes like Pebbledash, Thin Coat Silicone Render is another excellent choice to cover EWI.

before external wall insulation

Why Choose External Wall Insulation Systems?

A significant amount of heat can be lost through uninsulated walls, leading to cold rooms and higher heating bills. This heat loss can cause condensation to form on external walls, resulting in issues such as black mould, damp spots, or peeling wallpaper. Dealing with these issues can prove costly which is why it makes sense to invest in external wall insulation.

The problem arises when warm air from the heating system comes into contact with cold walls, creating moisture and condensation. The lack of a cavity in the solid brick construction allows the cold to penetrate directly into the rooms.


Internal Wall Insulation is an option, but it can involve considerable disruption and cost. It requires altering skirting boards, carpets or floor coverings, re-boarding external walls, plastering, and re-decorating. If there are door frames or radiators tightly against the walls, the cost and disruption will increase. This is where external wall insulation becomes a more practical and cost-effective solution.

External Wall Insulation Process

The installation of External Wall Insulation involves several key steps. Firstly, scaffolding is erected to provide access to the areas requiring EWI. Windows and other fixtures are carefully protected during the process.


Next, areas of application are prepared, and EPS boards are fitted. The base coat and mesh are then applied to the full system. Finally, the EWI is finished with the rendering material of choice.


Typical finishes include Monocouche Render, Acrylic/Silicone Render, Pebbledash, Nanosil Self Cleaning Render, and more. After completion, any leftover waste is cleaned and disposed of, and scaffolding is dismantled.

wall insulation installation process
after external wall insulation

External Wall Insulation Prices

The cost of professionally installed EWI systems typically falls within the range of £90.00 - £110.00 per square metre. This price includes verge trims, scaffolding, and any necessary alterations.


Additional costs to consider with External Wall Insulation include extending external window sills, altering waste pipes and downpipes to accommodate the extra 90-105mm render system.


All systems used by us are completed to manufacturer specifications, enabling us to offer relevant guarantees and warranties. Our rendering contractors are NVQ Qualified, CSCS approved, and carry Public Liability Insurance, providing our customers with peace of mind in choosing a reputable rendering company for their EWI System installation.


Please note that our prices page has more information on External Wall Insulation prices.

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